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Afenyo-Markin: NPP Needs Majority In Parliament

A hung Parliament with The Speaker being a member of the opposition party has not been the best for Government and a situation that should be avoided under a Mahamadu Bawumia-led Government, Majority Leader Alexander Afenyo-Markin has noted.

Mr. Afenyo-Markin has therefore urged the rank and file of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to embark on a concerted, deliberate and sustained effort to win a majority of Parliamentary seats in the December polls.

“We need our numbers in Parliament. In the 2000 election, in the Central Region, our President won 19 seats in Central Region, but we won just 10 seats in Parliament. That is why we are having challenges. We don’t want that again under a Bawumia led -Government. Let’s get our numbers and win together for we have done better in every aspect of the economy than any government in the Fourth Republic”, Afenyo-Markin charged the Party when he spoke at the Manifesto launch in Takoradi on Sunday.

He continued: “Let’s finish hard; let’s finish hard; there is a prize awaiting us. And to all Parliamentary Candidates; let me plead with you. Enough of the reconciliation, move on, fight hard, campaign, day and night, go to every household, we don’t have times to settle disputes, fight for this Party the way you fight to save a sister, fight for this Party the way you fight save a mother, fight for this Party. We need our numbers in Parliament

“We have succeeded thus far but we have some few months ahead of us. I want to encourage you to please make your selves available to support the course of Government”, Afenyo-Markin added.

He noted in his speech, the need for the NPP to approach the December 2024 with an unshakable resolve, confident that the brilliant achievements gained and policies proposed in the Party’s manifesto will resonate with Ghanaians and lead s to victory.

“We must also invest in the hard work of planning and implementing a flawless election strategy; a strategy that will ensure victory not just for our flag-bearer but also for our parliamentarians. This victory will ensure that we increase our seats in Parliament, providing the necessary legislative support to bring our policies to fruition. This is not just a goal; it is a promise to the people of Ghana—a promise we will work tirelessly to fulfill.”

He said there is evidence that the NPP has consistently delivered on its promises through unwavering commitment and diligent planning for the better part of the last eight years.

“Let’s not undo the progress we’ve made in the midst of significant global and local difficulties. Let us instead move forward together, building the stable, prosperous, and equitable Ghana we know is possible. I know that the road ahead may not be easy, but with your support and your faith in the vision of the NPP, we will continue the steady progress of transforming Ghana into the icon of Africa we know it can be”, Afenyo-Markin noted.

He continued: “To those who are frustrated and feel the pinch of economic pressure, I say this: We hear you. We feel your pain. Your worries keep us awake every night. And we are working tirelessly to address these challenges. But the solution is not to turn back the clock. The solution is to press forward, to build on the foundation we’ve laid, and to accelerate the transformation of our economy and society.

“We see a Ghana where every child has access to quality education, where our districts are hubs of industry, creating jobs for our youth, where our economy is stable and growing, and where women have an equal seat at every table that matters. This vision is within our grasp. But achieving it requires patience, perseverance, and the right leadership.

“As we approach the December polls, I urge you to look beyond the rhetoric. Look at the cold facts. Look at the progress we’ve made, even in the face of global crises. Look at the ground-breaking laws we’ve passed. And then look to the future. Ask yourself: Who is best equipped to lead Ghana into the future we all crave? The answer, my fellow Ghanaians, is clear. Dr.MahamuduBawumia, Matthew Opoku Prempeh, and the New Patriotic Party are ready to take Ghana to new heights”, Afenyo-Markin added

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