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Akandoh goes hard on gov’t over closure of Korle-Bu’s renal unit

The long-term shutdown of the renal unit of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, according to Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, the Member of Parliament for Juaboso constituency and Minority’s spokesman on health, is evidence of Kwaku Agyemang-Manu, the Minister of Health’s ineptitude to handle situations effectively in his capacity.

The situation, Akandoh, says is “damning” and indicates that the minister is “not on top of his job.”

In addition, he charged that the NPP administration was “insensitive” to the suffering of the patients, who are losing their lives as a result of the closing of the facility.

“What it means is that the minister is not on top of his job, and what it means is that we are better off not having any minister in that Ministry because if the whole minister could give a directive that the place must be opened and the place is still closed, I don’t get it,” Akandoh said in an interview on Citi FM.

Akandoh also bemoaned the consequences the unit’s closure is having on patients and expressed that the NPP government is the most insensitive he has come across.

“Since I was born, I have never seen an insensitive government like this before. Nobody cares. We have been to the place, we have engaged the management, we have engaged the minister and the minister gave us all the assurances in the world that it was going to be opened but we went back to the place, it was still closed. We gave an ultimatum and the place is still not opened” he added.

A total of 19 outpatients of the renal unit have died since it was closed in May 2023 due to a 4 million Ghana Cedi debt.

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