Ghana’s outspoken radio personalities, Kwame Nkrumah Tikese, host of the Ade Akye Abia morning show on Okay FM has expressed disappointment in the Special Prosecutor over what he terms as an abysmal performance.
The veteran broadcaster who says was one of the personalities who championed the appointment of Martin Amidu as Special Prosecutor says he feels Mr. Amidu has lost his steam in the fight against corruption.
Speaking in an interview with The New Publisher, he said since his appointment, Martin Amidu is nothing to write home about.
He believes the appointment and the benefits that came with it has affected his performance and subsequently failed to allow the right things to be done.
”Martin Amidu must up his game because the expectation was that, he will not hasten slowly as he is doing to prosecute the supposed corrupt officials both in government or opposition. But his year’s in office since appointment has been a disaster” he said.
He was also of the view that Martin Amidu has no excuse to work efficiently because when he was a campaigner against corruption, he did everything single-handedly but after he was appointed, he has failed woefully.
He further cautioned the Special Prosecutor “to stop the conjecturing and psychological warfare and focus on the job given to him or resign if he has nothing to offer…”
The Office of the Special Prosecutor has been criticized by a section of the Ghanaian populace who say the office has not delivered on its mandate as it is expected.
The expectation of many have been that after his appointment, the Special Prosecutor would have been seen to have prosecuted a number of cases but nothing of the sort has happened yet.
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