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Asantehene drags Chief to Police

The agony of Nana Kwaku Duah III, the destooled Chief of Abuontem, seems to be getting worse as he has been referred to police to face prosecution for multiple sale of land.

On August 21, 2023, Nana Kwaku Duah III faced public disgrace and humiliation when he faced the Kumasi Traditional Council presided over by the Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II on charges of the illegal sale of land, assault on his own elders who disagreed with him and related offences.

After elaborate deliberation on the matter, during which Nana Kwaku Duah III had enough time and opportunity to explain himself and plead for mitigation, he was found guilty and promptly destooled and stripped of all privileges in accordance with the Asante custom.

The Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II after exhausting the traditional bit of the Chief’s troubles, ordered his hand over to the police so that he can face prosecution over his roles in the multiple land sales.

The Asantehene seems to have launched a crackdown on his chiefs who engage in customarily unacceptable or illegal acts. Several chiefs have suffered consequences for one act or another recently, especially with regard to land sales.


In a new development, Ashanti Region residents have praised Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II for dethroning chiefs who are believed to have engaged in unethical behavior.

A resident by name Bismark who spoke to Citi News said “I think if Otumfuo has investigated and having come out that what they are doing is not right especially with the galamsey issue some of the chiefs are conniving with the people who are involved in the galamsey destroying water which is not good for the community.”

“So if these are some of the things that some of the chiefs are involved in, then I think that Otumfuo is right. Things should be done right, and it is time that the authorities should put their feet down so that some of these people would be stopped. I think this will go a long way because other chiefs will look at this and stop if they are misconducting themselves.”

Ben Owusu said “[some of the chiefs are] Condoning and conniving with the illegal miners to destroy our water bodies and farmlands. They don’t deserve to be there. So I think what Otumfuo did is in the right direction and I support him 1000 percent. I mean how can they do that? It doesn’t make sense. Water is life and man must eat before he survives a day. These are the very things you are supposed to be a custodian of, and you are conniving with crooks as it were and supporting them, you have no business doing a business then.”

George Donkor said “He is the highest authority so whatever he does, I think is the right thing and that will set the precedent for the other chiefs not to do what they have been doing.”

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