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Is It The Same BEDZRAH? The MP Who Threatened To Beat Up Other MPs In Parliament, Lacks The Moral Power To Probe Any Chaos In Parliament

It is a classic example of glorified-hypocrisy that Mr. Emmanuel Bedzrah, the Member of Parliament who was captured on video telling journalists that he would physically beat up any colleague Parliamentarian who would come near his seat, is the same person who today, chairs a committee tasked to investigate what led to a chaotic scuffle among Parliamentarians.

“It is only fighting that we would fight today. That is what they want. We are already seated at the right side of the Speaker and they are not in. So if they come and say that I should move from your seat, what is it? I will beat you. I will beat you, yes. Whoever dares today, we would beat the person today. Is the seat for the person?” were the exact words of Emmanuel Bedzrah to journalists, just a few months ago when in November 2024, the Minority Caucus and the Majority Caucus had disagreements over which group should sit on the right side of the Speaker.

Dramatic irony is at play that this same Bedzrah claims he has the moral power, unstained reputation and clear conscience to take up position as the Chairman of seven-member ad hoc committee set up by the Speaker of Parliament to commence enquiry into altercations among his colleauge MPs at the Appointments Committee.

Indeed, few love to hear the sins they love to act, else Mr. Bedzrah, the Christian leader he is, would have taken a cue from the teachings of Christ as captured in the book of Matthew Chapter 7 from verse 3 to 5 which reads : “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

As the records stand, Bedzrah has neither retracted nor apologized for the threats of physical assault on MPs and un-parliamentary statements he put in the public domain which same has been very widely circulated and still available without a rejoinder.


The least expected of Mr. Bedzrah, in his duties as Chairman of the seven-member ad hoc committee tasked to commence enquiry into altercations among his colleague MPs at the Appointments Committee, is to be fair and to not take sides but here he is hopping from one media house to the other in what seems to be a trial-by-media agenda against the Clerk and the Minority Leader.

Chairman Bedzrah, who is expected to be a neutral person in the work of the Committee is on a media spree openly indicting the Clerk to Parliament of deceit and misinformation as if the media is the platform for addressing such challenges assuming without admitting his allegations were factual.

Bedzrah, as if he has a personal score to settle in his work as Chairman of the ad-hoc committee, has continued his media onslaught and accused the Minority Caucus of orchestrating the suspension of the Committee’s work by allegedly passing what he describes as false information to the Clerk.

There are laid down procedures for addressing issues and disagreements with Parliamentary Staff and Chairman Bedzrah ought to have known better that it does not include his trial-by-media approach.

Does Bedzrah, by his conduct remain a neutral Chairman of the Committee by this trial-by-media strategy? In the event the Minority Caucus he is running down in the media responds publicly, would that help in investigating the very condemnable chaos the Committee he chairs was tasked to investigate or it would lead to the beating of colleague MPs as he had threatened to do just a few months ago.

The Gusii people of Kenya put it right in their popular proverb, “the bush in which you hide has eyes,” meaning one may try as hard as possible to hide deceitful behaviour but there is always someone or people observing such actions and pointing out accurately, the futility of pretense and hypocrisy – vices unacceptable of true leaders.

One who asks for equity, indeed must come with clean hands.


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