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A Call To 2024 Presidential Hopefuls: Factor Discipline and Civic Responsibility Into Your Manifestos

In each election year, Ghanaian political parties release manifestos filled with promises that detail numerous policies and initiatives intended to transform the country.

These documents serve not only as campaign materials but also as governance frameworks that establish the priorities for socio-economic advancement across various areas, including health, education, infrastructure, and technology. They are packed with ambitious visions aimed at driving national progress. However, one crucial aspect that is notably absent is how they intend to focus on discipline and the need for a change in the attitudes of the citizens. This lack of emphasis is more than just an oversight; it represents a significant flaw that undermines the foundation of all other proposed policies.

The Core of the Problem

A lack of respect for the rule of law, negligence of civic duties, and a widespread culture of impunity are just a few indicators of a larger issue. These problems are not just theoretical; they have significant and lasting effects on the country’s development path. For example, even the most well-planned sanitation policy will fall short if citizens ignore fundamental cleanliness practices. Likewise, efforts to enhance road safety will be ineffective if drivers disregard traffic laws.

The inability to instil discipline and positive attitudes within the community renders many well-intentioned initiatives useless. It’s comparable to constructing a building on an unstable foundation; regardless of how robust the building seems, it is bound to fail. The rule of law, which should form the foundation of any civilized society, is frequently ignored, leading to a deterioration of social order and governance. This isn’t solely an issue for the government; it is a societal challenge that necessitates a united effort to resolve.

The Role of Political Leadership

Political leaders, especially those running for president, must play a crucial role in tackling this issue. During election campaigns, they tend to emphasize concrete projects-such as building roads, schools, and hospitals-because these are visible, measurable, and can yield immediate results. However, a leader’s true vision should be assessed not only by the physical structures they propose to create but also by the social frameworks they aim to develop.

To ensure their policies and initiatives are sustainable, presidential candidates should prioritize fostering discipline and promoting a change in attitudes of citizens. They need to clearly outline their strategies for instilling a sense of responsibility, respect for the law, and civic engagement among the populace. This involves more than just enforcing laws through penalties; it requires cultivating an atmosphere that encourages positive behaviours and discourages negative ones.

Strategies for Promoting Discipline and Attitudinal Change:

Encouraging discipline and changing attitudes necessitates a comprehensive strategy that includes education, enforcement, and community involvement.

  • Education and Awareness

An effective approach to promoting attitudinal change is through education. This encompasses both formal schooling and public awareness initiatives aimed at all societal groups. Political leaders should prioritize the incorporation of civic education into the national curriculum, helping young individuals develop a solid appreciation for civic responsibility and the rule of law. Furthermore, campaigns aimed at the general public should emphasize the significance of discipline in various areas, from following traffic laws to keeping public spaces clean.

  • Enforcement of Laws

Education by itself is insufficient. There needs to be a reliable and unbiased application of laws to discourage misconduct and negative behaviours. Achieving this demands a well-equipped and autonomous judiciary, along with law enforcement bodies that operate independently of political influence. Political leaders must pledge to enhance these institutions, guaranteeing they are capable and willing to uphold the law impartially. Such actions will clearly convey that misconduct will not be accepted, irrespective of an individual’s social standing or political connections.

  • Engagement and Collaboration

Ultimately, fostering discipline and encouraging a shift in attitudes necessitates the proactive involvement of all parties, such as civil society organizations, religious and traditional leaders, the media, and the private sector. These entities are pivotal in influencing public perceptions and behaviours, making their participation critical for the effectiveness of any initiative designed to cultivate discipline. Consequently, political leaders should team-up with these stakeholders to advance positive social norms and values.

The Long-Term Benefits

The importance of fostering discipline and changing attitudes cannot be emphasized enough. A disciplined nation ensures that policies and projects are carried out efficiently and effectively, resulting in sustainable development. In such a country, laws are upheld, public resources are wisely managed, and citizens take pride in contributing to the common good. This type of society enjoys the rule of law, reduced corruption, and enhanced social unity.

Additionally, a disciplined nation appeals to both domestic and foreign investors. Investors are inclined to invest in a country that offers a stable and predictable environment, supported by the rule of law and a culture of discipline. This consequently  promotes economic growth, job creation, and improved living standards for all its citizens.


As we near another election year, it is essential for political leaders to acknowledge the vital role of discipline and changes in attitude within their manifestos. These factors are not mere supplements; they are key components that will influence the effectiveness of all other policies and initiatives. Presidential candidates must go beyond mere talk of development and present specific, actionable plans for encouraging discipline and cultivating positive attitudes among the populace. Only in this way can we create a nation that is not only developed but also genuinely civilized-a country where the rule of law is upheld, and every citizen plays a part in the collective advancement and welfare of society.

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