Chief Executive of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) Joseph Boahen Aidoo, spends an amount of GHC2,0000 to get some branded chocolate for guests at his sixtieth birthday party and this has galvanized a committee of vultures hoping to devour his carcass.
This has been equated to an act of corruption and there are calls for the man’s sack.
THE PUBLISHER has noticed, with sadness, a remote-controlled orchestra yelling out a discord-sounding and premature dirge over the simple matter of a whole Chief Executive who was a former Regional Minister and a former Member of Parliament, spending GHC2,000 on chocolate for his sixtieth birthday party.
One wonders whether the poverty-mentality infested souls crying atop their shrill voices are surprised that the man can afford GHC2,000 or the fact that the chocolates were branded or the fact that he shared chocolates at his party.
This is very petty and should be condemned especially when the person involved, Joseph Boahen Aidoo, has over the years distinguished himself as a trust worthy and noble gentleman that would not cut corners to make money through unfair means.
He has served in public office both as a Minister and as a Parliamentarian and till date, not a single wrong doing has been found against him.
Since his appointment to COCOBOD, there has been unending schemes to get him out of the place with people bending over backwards to sabotage him and ruin his reputation.
THE PUBLISHER is fully aware of many of such schemes but the paper is of the view there would be a more appropriate time to put out such information.
Such silly pettiness of crying wolf when there is none does not help our fight against corruption. It could possibly make people not get interested when a genuine cry of corruption is sounded.
What is even more sad is when some members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), join in the bandwagon and also start to say that the decision of Mr. Aidoo to serve GHC2,00 worth of chocolates at his birthday is making the government unpopular.
It is sickening when same persons close an eye on the several glaring issues which could make the government unpopular.
It is such reckless nonsense that gives some seeming credence to the propaganda that JB Aidoo had done something wrong when in actual sense, he has not committed any crime or an act of indiscretion in anyway.
Instead of explaining the issues to the public, you find members of the man’s party also talking as if they themselves either lack understanding or they have a bone to pick with the man.
We are of the view that for once, we ought to get serious as a people in our fight against corruption and focus on real issues rather than such petty and trivial boloney.
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