Negative thoughts will erode you in more ways than anybody will. The way we talk to ourselves via shaming, overly critical, judgmental, or punishing can diminish our self-confidence and our self-worth in more ways than we imagine.
Note that positive thinking doesn’t mean you always think happy thoughts or that you will go through life effortless, but it never stalls your progress.
The way you respond to life issues, criticism, disappointments and issues goes a long way to determine if they will be solved or whether you will bounce back.
Here are 3 ways to end all of that negative self-talk.
Track Your Thoughts
Stop thinking you have bad luck. One sure way of channelling your thoughts and discarding negatives is by paying closer attention to your negative self-talk.
Catch yourself, write them down on a piece of paper or in a journal and keep track of the situations that triggers those thought patterns
Cut Yourself Some Slacks
Stop for a moment and look at what you’re grateful for, what is positive in your life. Then go ahead and be kind to yourself. Have some compassion for yourself. There is no need to be overtly critical of yourself. Challenge yourself but not to your detriments. When you fail, acknowledge that life happens.
Make Happy Confessions
If you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk, stop thinking. And tell yourself great things you have achieved in the past. Saying something like ‘I am healthy and well’ or ‘I am beautiful and loved’ or ‘I’m surrounded by loving and supportive friends.’ Will help a great deal.
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