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Essikado-Ketan, a free-for-all battle ground as Joe Ghartey exits

Essikado-Ketan constituency is one of the 17 constituencies in the Western Region which was created from the Sekondi Constituency before the 2004 general elections. With a registered voter population of over 70,000, the seat has been dominated by Joe Ghartey of the NPP since its creation. Until the 2020 parliamentary elections, the Essikado-Ketan Constituency seat was a safe seat for the NPP, and the party never bothered which candidate the NDC, or any other party put forward to contest.

However, with the coming in of Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah from the NDC in 2020, the NPP’s untouchable status in the constituency was hugely exposed as Joe Ghartey marginally won the seat for the fifth time with a disputed result. As Joe Ghartey bows out from the seat after 20 years of dominance, the Essikado-Ketan seat has become a free-for-all seat with a straight fight between the NDC’s Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah and NPP’s Charles Cromwell Nanabanyin Onuawonto Bissue, and this is the Election Bureau’s top-hotspot for the Western Region in the upcoming 2024 parliamentary elections.


Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah (NDC)

Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah is a medical doctor with a strong background in healthcare and community service. She represents the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and contested the Essikado-Ketan Constituency seat in 2020 against the long-standing NPP incumbent, Joe Ghartey. Though she lost narrowly, her showing in the 2020 elections was a significant improvement for the NDC, reducing the margin from previous elections and signalling that the constituency is increasingly competitive.

Dr. Danquah has been active in charitable work, especially through her medical outreach programmes in the constituency. She has provided free medical screenings and care to many communities for years and long before she declared her intention to contest the Essikado-Ketan seat, which has increased her visibility and enhanced her reputation as someone concerned with the well-being of her constituents. Her grassroots engagement and support including the rehabilitation of Taxi ranks for some of the communities has positioned her as a candidate who is committed to addressing healthcare challenges and economic needs, especially in underprivileged communities.


Healthcare Expertise:

Her background as a medical doctor with international practice exposure gives her credibility, particularly in advocating for improved health services in the constituency. The healthcare sector remains a key concern for voters, and her outreach activities further solidify her commitment.

Community Engagement through Charity Work:

Dr. Danquah’s ongoing medical outreach programmes and charity work have resonated with many voters, particularly in rural areas. These activities have allowed her to directly connect with constituents and address their immediate healthcare needs, strengthening her public image.

Women and Youth Appeal:
Her gender and focus on healthcare issues make her appealing to female voters and the youth, who may feel underrepresented. Her focus on education and youth development has also gained traction in recent years.


Limited Political Experience:

Compared to Joe Ghartey, her 2020 opponent, and now Charles Bissue, Danquah lacks deep political experience. This might make it harder for her to navigate some of the complex dynamics of constituency politics.

NPP Stronghold:

Essikado-Ketan has been traditionally dominated by the NPP. While she reduced the vote margin in 2020, flipping a long-standing seat requires significant momentum and broad-based support across all communities, something that might still prove challenging.

Resource Limitations:

Running a competitive campaign against a well-resourced NPP opponent could stretch her campaign finances and organizational capacity.

Charles Cromwell Nanabanyin Onuawonto Bissue (NPP)

Charles Bissue is a politician and long-serving member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP). He holds an LLB in Business Law and was elected as the Western Regional Secretary of the NPP in 2014, appointed as a Presidential Staffer in 2017 and subsequently as the Secretary to the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Illegal Mining (IMCIM). Bissue has since 2014, also served as a member of the National Council of the NPP and has been active in both national and local political spheres. As a potential successor to Joe Ghartey, who has held the Essikado-Ketan seat for five consecutive terms over the last 20 years, Bissue is expected to rely on the NPP’s established presence and his political network to win the seat.

In the run-up to the election ls Bissue has initiated several borehole water projects in the constituency, seeking to address a critical need for potable water in many communities. These projects have garnered him considerable support, especially in areas of the constituency where water access has been a long-standing issue. However, the question remains that some of these water projects may not be operational before the election. His initiation on these infrastructural projects has enhanced his reputation as a candidate who gets things underway. With the recently delivered road construction equipment under the DRIP project, Bissue is also taking credit for commencing the reshaping of some of the constituency roads.


Party Loyalty and Political Experience:

Bissue is deeply entrenched in the NPP, benefiting from a well-established party structure and support base in the constituency. His experience in government gives him the credibility to navigate both local and national politics effectively.

Infrastructure Development and Employment Support:
His borehole water projects initiatives have been a significant boost to his image, especially in many communities with challenges in access to clean water. Bissue is also credited for aiding some of the youth the secure employment in some public institutions as well as paying school fees for some students which has all endeared him some positive image.

NPP Stronghold:

The NPP has traditionally held the Essikado-Ketan seat, giving Bissue an inherent advantage. If he can successfully tap into the legacy of Joe Ghartey, he stands a strong chance of retaining the seat for the NPP.


Allegations of Corruption:

As former Secretary of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Illegal Mining, Bissue has faced allegations of corruption, with videos of him seen taking bribe from Galamseyers era(illegal miners) to devastate the country’s forest and pollute water resources. This could undermine his credibility and be used against him by the opposition to sway undecided voters.

Challenges in Transitioning from Ghartey:
Joe Ghartey’s long tenure as MP means that many voters have a personal connection to him. While Bissue will inherit the NPP’s established voter base, he may struggle to create the same level of loyalty and connection that Ghartey enjoyed.

Strong Opposition:

With Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah’s performance in 2020, the NDC has shown that it can compete strongly in the constituency. Bissue will face an energized opponent who has built significant momentum.

2020 Parliamentary Results: Context for 2024
In the 2020 parliamentary elections, Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah (NDC) came close to unseating Joe Ghartey (NPP), with the following results:

Joe Ghartey (NPP): 26,701 votes

Grace Ayensu Danquah (NDC): 24,577 votes

This result was a significant improvement for the NDC, reducing the vote gap from over 10,000 to just 2,174 votes compared to previous elections. It reflects a growing support base for the NDC in Essikado-Ketan, traditionally a safe seat for the NPP. The strong performance by Ayensu Danquah suggests that the 2024 election will be fiercely competitive, with both parties having legitimate claims to victory.

Impact of Medical Outreach and Charity Activities (Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah)
Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah’s medical outreach and charity activities have played a pivotal role in enhancing her public profile. Through free health screenings and mobile clinics, she has addressed a vital need in the constituency, particularly in rural areas where access to healthcare is limited. These activities not only build her image as a compassionate leader but also give her direct contact with the electorate, helping her establish personal relationships with constituents. This type of grassroots engagement is crucial in an election, particularly for an opposition candidate attempting to overturn a long-standing seat. By focusing on healthcare, a significant issue for many voters, Dr. Danquah can position herself as a candidate who delivers practical solutions to everyday problems.

Moreover, her charity work strengthens her appeal to women, youth, and lower-income voters, demographics that are often decisive in elections. If she can mobilize these groups effectively and maintain her visibility through consistent outreach, she stands a good chance of closing the gap further or potentially winning in 2024.

Impact of Borehole Water Projects and Social Support (Charles Bissue)

Charles Bissue’s borehole water projects are likely to address the water shortages in parts of Essikado-Ketan, especially in rural communities. Access to clean drinking water remains a critical issue, and by delivering on this need, Bissue has garnered substantial support among local voters.These projects not only address immediate needs but also frame Bissue as a candidate who focuses on infrastructural development. In constituencies where basic needs like water access are still unmet, the ability to deliver on these projects can significantly boost a candidate’s popularity. Again, his support in employment for the youth and scholarship would also brighten his image and chances. Bissue’s alignment with the NPP’s developmental agenda will likely resonate well with voters who prioritize tangible, infrastructural improvements over other policy issues.

However, his success in using these projects to win votes will depend on how effectively he can connect these initiatives to his broader political message and how well he can counter any negative perceptions resulting from the corruption allegations tied to his past.

2024 Election Outlook:

Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah’s Chances (NDC):

Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah is in a strong position to improve on her 2020 performance. Her medical outreach and charity activities have allowed her to build a robust support base in underserved communities, and her near-victory in 2020 has energized the NDC’s efforts in the constituency. If she can continue to mobilize women, youth, and rural voters, while effectively addressing economic and social issues, her chances in 2024 look promising. However, resource constraints and the challenge of overcoming the NPP’s traditional dominance will require strategic campaigning and strong voter turnout.

Charles Bissue’s Chances (NPP):

Charles Bissue benefits from the NPP’s strong legacy in the constituency and the party’s electoral machinery. His borehole water projects have boosted his standing, particularly among voters in rural areas. However, he faces the dual challenge of stepping into Joe Ghartey’s shoes and addressing the corruption allegations that could dampen his appeal. Bissue’s ability to retain Ghartey’s voter base while also fending off the growing influence of the NDC will be critical to his success. If he can effectively navigate these issues, he stands a strong chance of maintaining the NPP’s hold on Essikado-Ketan.


The 2024 parliamentary election in Essikado-Ketan will be a highly competitive race between Dr. Grace Ayensu Danquah and Charles Bissue. Danquah’s momentum from 2020 and her ongoing outreach efforts position her as a serious contender. However, Bissue’s water projects and the NPP’s entrenched support give him a strong foundation. The outcome will largely depend on how well both candidates can mobilize their respective support bases and address key local concerns.


Article By Akwasi Agyei Annim Western Regional Correspondent of Citi FM/Channel One TV

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