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Financial Institutions Pivotal in Advancing Sustainability – Stanbic Bank CEO

Chief Executive of Stanbic Bank Ghana and Board Chairman of Stanbic Investment Management Services (SIMS), Mr. Kwamina Asomaning, has highlighted the crucial role financial institutions play in advancing the sustainability agenda in Ghana.

The Stanbic Bank CEO’s insights underscore how these institutions can influence and direct funds towards sustainable practices, ensuring that economic growth is achieved in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner.

“At Standard Bank, Africa is our home, and we drive her growth. Such growth must be pursued sustainably. Financial institutions will play a critical role in influencing and channelling the flow of funds toward sustainability,” Mr Asomaning stated.

This emphasis reflects Stanbic Bank’s commitment to integrating sustainable practices into their operations and investments.

In alignment with this vision, the Bank of Ghana introduced the Sustainable Banking Principles in 2019, which Stanbic Bank has adopted. Mr Asomaning highlighted that the bank has already implemented approximately 79% of the recommended 47 actions outlined in these principles and aims to fully comply by the end of June 2025. This commitment demonstrates the bank’s proactive approach to sustainability and its dedication to meeting regulatory standards.

A significant milestone in Stanbic Bank’s sustainability journey was achieved in 2023 when it became the first bank in Ghana to join the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Climate Finance Advisory Program. This program provides training and advisory support to help banks identify and assess climate-aligned asset classes.

Mr. Asomaning expressed enthusiasm about extending this climate-specific focus to Stanbic Investment Management Services (SIMS), an affiliate of the bank.

“We are extending our emphasis on climate-specific initiatives to SIMS, an affiliate of the bank and a part of the Standard Bank Group, to lead responsible investing in the asset management industry,” he noted.

Broader Impact

Asomaning also highlighted the broader impact of climate change, noting that it leads to extreme weather events, health risks, and economic disruptions.

“By focusing on sustainability, we ensure that our individual and collective actions and inactions are not harmful to the environment or deplete natural resources. Let’s find a balance between saving the environment and fulfilling our wealth-creation goals. I urge you all to plant a tree, be a change advocate, and invest responsibly; your actions matter,” he added.

Stanbic Investment Management Services Limited (SIMS) plays a pivotal role in this sustainability agenda. Licensed by the Securities & Exchange Commission and registered with the National Pensions Regulatory Authority as a pension fund manager, SIMS has launched the Responsible Investment Initiative. This initiative underscores SIMS’ commitment to sustainable growth and its role in promoting responsible business practices within the investment industry.

The launch of the Responsible Investment Initiative is a testament to SIMS’ dedication to driving positive change. As part of this initiative, SIMS will collaborate with issuers and investors to enhance sustainability efforts, aiming to create a ripple effect of responsible investing practices across the industry. By doing so, SIMS hopes to influence a broader adoption of sustainable practices, not only within the financial sector but across various industries in Ghana.

Asomaning’s statements and the initiatives undertaken by Stanbic Bank and SIMS illustrate the essential role financial institutions play in addressing climate change and promoting sustainability. By channeling funds into sustainable projects and emphasizing responsible investing, these institutions can significantly impact the fight against climate change and drive economic growth that is both inclusive and environmentally conscious.

Mr Kwamina Asomaning’s insights and the actions of Stanbic Bank and SIMS reflect a growing recognition within the financial sector of the importance of sustainability. Their proactive approach and commitment to responsible investing serve as a model for other financial institutions in Ghana and beyond, demonstrating that sustainable practices and economic growth can go hand in hand.

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