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Gov’t hands over 320 new housing units for Police

President Akufo-Addo yesterday Tuesday July 23, 2024, commissioned 320 new housing units for the Police Service in Tesano, Accra.

“This significant development is a critical part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the living conditions of our security personnel. These modern, well-equipped housing units are not just buildings; they represent our deep commitment to ensuring that those who dedicate their lives to protecting us have a safe and comfortable place to call home.

“The completion of these units marks a pivotal step in our mission to address the housing needs within our security services”, the President noted in a Faebook post after the commissioning.

He continued: “the importance of adequate housing for our police officers cannot be overstated. When our officers have access to decent accommodation, it significantly boosts their morale and overall effectiveness in maintaining law and order. These new housing units, which include a mix of two-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments, an officers’ mess, a social centre, multipurpose playing courts, and a kindergarten, are designed to create a conducive living environment. This, in turn, allows our officers to focus more on their critical duties, knowing that their living conditions are secure and comfortable.”

The President’s post noted further: “This project is part of the broader Security Services Housing Programme, which we launched in 2018 with the goal of increasing the housing stock for our security services. By improving the living standards of our security personnel, we are taking a crucial step towards building a more motivated and productive police force. The successful completion of these 320 housing units exemplifies our resolve to provide our gallant men and women in uniform with the necessary support to perform their duties effectively. It is a reflection of our broader agenda to ensure that every Ghanaian, regardless of their profession, has access to decent and affordable housing.

“I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Ministry of Works and Housing, the Ministry of the Interior, the Police Service, and all stakeholders involved in this project. Their collective efforts have made this vision a reality. As we continue to work towards addressing the housing needs of our security personnel, let us remember that a well-housed police force is a cornerstone of a safer and more secure Ghana. Together, we will continue to build a nation where every citizen feels safe, secure and valued.”

Deputy IGP commended

In his address, President Akufo-Addo extended his congratulations to Commissioner of Police (COP) Mr Christian Tetteh Yohuno, on his promotion to the position of Deputy Inspector General of Police (D-IGP) in charge of Operations. President Akufo-Addo expressed confidence in Deputy IGP Yohuno’s continued commitment to fostering an effective and efficient police service.

“I like to use the platform to congratulate that long-serving, respected law enforcement officer Commissioner of Police (COP) Mr Christian Tetteh Yohuno, on his elevation to the office of Deputy Inspector General of Police with responsibility for operations,” President Akufo-Addo said.
“I have no doubt that as in the past, deputy IGP, Yohuno will be a good team player and contribute his full cottar to the flourishing of an effective, efficient police service,” Akufo-Addo further stated.

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