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All through the scriptures, we see grace at work. Have you ever wondered why Moses was preserved? The rest of the little Hebrew children were killed, but grace kept him. God then took Moses into the very camp of the enemy and yet they couldn’t touch him. They were touching other children but not Moses. Why? Grace says, “this one is untouchable”. God went a step further to ensure that they used their resources to bring him up in Egypt; in the very camp of the enemy.

As a believer, you should not go about as though you are naked. You have the highest levels of arsenals. The devil is not more powerful than we are. All power belongs to our God and He has deposited this power in His word. The word of God carries grace. It was grace that made Vashti make a mistake. There was no reason why she shouldn’t have answered her husband’s call. After all, she was also having her party. The natural thing to do was to answer him but grace had zeroed in on Esther. I see grace relocating you.

Heaven had already packaged Esther to be a Queen. So, grace was at work directing every affair. Somebody may be working with you in the same place and he doesn’t know that grace is working for you. David was forgotten even by his father but grace was looking for him. Prophet Samuel said this matter will not be complete until he arrives. There are certain things that will never take place until you appear. So, don’t bother about the delay. It will never happen until you show up. That same grace that worked for others will work for you. I will hear your testimony.

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