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Kokomba youth, Dagbon forum call for calm

The Konkomba Youth Association (KOYA) and Dagbon Forum have come together to address the recent surge in social media hate speeches targeting the Konkomba and Dagomba communities.

A joint statement signed by leaders of the two groups on Monday July 10, 2023 noted: “We stand united in our commitment to promoting peace, harmony, and understanding among all residents of Northern Ghana.

“We want to emphasize that the leadership of KOYA and the entire Nkpakpaando is in close contact with the leadership of Dagbon Forum and the entire Dagbon. Together, we are actively working towards maintaining peace and security for all communities.”

The statement said the two group recognize the concerns and anxieties that may arise in such situations, however leadership of the two group call for calm.

The statement noted further:

The leadership of both KOYA and DF, are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all Konkombas and Dagombas and fostering a peaceful coexistence between our communities.

We have engaged in ongoing dialogue and communication as leaders to address the tensions and mitigate any potential conflicts. Through open lines of communication, we are actively addressing the issues at hand, seeking resolutions, and promoting understanding amongst all parties involved.

Both KOYA and Dagbon Forum strongly condemn the dissemination of hateful and divisive rhetorics on social media platforms. Such inflammatory content stokes tension, threatens social cohesion, and has the potential to incite violence. We firmly believe that respect, dialogue, and unity are the foundations for building a peaceful society.

In light of the recent events, we urgently appeal to all members of the Konkomba and Dagomba communities to remain calm, exercise restraint, and reject the influence of those spreading hate speeches. It is crucial that we recognize the destructive intent behind these incitements and adopt a collective response based on reason and empathy.

We call upon responsible social media users to report any hate-filled content encountered online to the appropriate platforms. By working together, we can help prevent the proliferation of harmful speech and contribute to the creation of a safer and more inclusive digital environment.

Therefore, we urge all Konkomba and Dagomba students and workers in both Konkomba and Dagomba areas to remain calm and continue with their daily routines without fear. We understand the importance of education and livelihoods, and we want to assure you that concerted efforts are being made to safeguard your well-being.

We encourage all residents of the Northern Region to be cautious of rumours and misinformation that may circulate during these challenging times. Verify information through reputable sources and refrain from engaging in activities that may escalate tensions or contribute to misunderstandings.

Furthermore, we implore the government, community leaders, religious groups, and civil society organizations to actively engage in promoting peacebuilding initiatives and fostering understanding between the Konkomba and Dagomba communities. It is incumbent upon us to reject hate and actively seek paths toward sustainable peace and harmony.

We also urge law enforcement agencies and relevant authorities to investigate and take appropriate action against individuals found to be engaging in hate speech, in accordance with the laws governing our society. Safeguarding peace and ensuring the safety of all citizens is a shared responsibility that requires the active participation of all stakeholders.

The leadership and elders from our communities will continue to engage in areas of mutual interest including addressing high rates of food and nutrition insecurity, illiteracy, infant mortality, and general levels of underdevelopment and poverty.

We urge all Konkombas and Dagbambas to go about their usual businesses and report anything suspicious to the security agencies.

In closing, KOYA and Dagbon Forum reiterate our unwavering commitment to fostering peaceful coexistence between the Konkomba and Dagomba communities. Together, we can overcome the misguided actions of a few and build a society that values unity, tolerance, and respect for all.

It was jointly signed by  Jawol Bisunaa Titus  the Koya President, Chief Sakoyanaa Mahama Iddrisu Sintaro the Dagbon Forum President, Elvis Poliyeh Nagbua the General Secretary and Ahmed Abdul-Razak De-Gangbo, the Dagbon Forum General Secretary.

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