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Korea delegation visit agencies under Communications Ministry

A four-member delegation from Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI), led by Dr. Eun Jin RYU, paid a working visit to the National Communications Authority (NCA) and the Accra Digital Centre to understudy some operations of the agency and to identify key interest areas for partnership.

The Director for Research, Statistics and Information Management (RSIM) at the Ministry of Communications and Digitalisation (MoCD), Mr. Samuel Antwi-Gyekyi, who led the delegation to the NCA, said the Ministry was opened to collaborations with its partners especially in areas of technology and digitalisation processes, hence, their visit to Ghana would present an opportunity to work together for mutual benefit.

At NCA, the team held discussions with focus on the agency’s mandate, Cyber security issues, 5G Network, Ghana Digital Policy, among others.

As part of the visit, the delegation toured the NCA’s Broadcast Monitoring Centers (BMC); The Communications Monitoring Center (CMC); Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) centre, and the Revenue Assurance and Traffic Monitoring Centre, also known as the “Common Platform”.

Accra Digital Centre

At the Accra Digital Centre (ADC), Deputy Minister for Communications and Digitalisation (MoCD), Ms. Ama Pomaa-Boateng (MP) said government, through the Ministry, was committed to working with all its stakeholders in order to build a resilient digital economy that would transform national development.

The same delegation from Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI), led by Dr. Eun Jin RYU, during their visit to the Accra Digital Centre (ADC) and the University of Ghana, Legon was to understudy Ghana’s digitalisation architecture with particular focus on cyber security, 5G Network, innovation and other electronic services which were being championed by the MoCD and its agencies.

The team was also joined by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ADC, Mr. Kwadwo Baah Agyeman; The Director for Research, Statistics and Information Management (RSIM) at MoCD, Mr. Samuel Antwi-Gyekyi, as well as other officials from the Ministry.

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