Any person seen throwing the smallest quantity of garbage be it rubber, paper or form of waste material at un approved areas in and around Kumasi shall be arrested and severely dealt with according to law, the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) has warned.
The KMA said effective Friday December 1, all such sanitation offenders would be considered as persons caught in the act of law breaking and shall be compelled to either pay a spot fine or be dragged to the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) Sanitation Court for prosecution.
The new rule is being implemented by the KMA, led by its Chief Executive, Osei Assibey Antwi, to restore Kumasi’s lost Garden City status.
To implement this directive, a task force of Sanitation Crusaders, made up of 150 National Service personnel, would be responsible for the citizen-arrest and eventual prosecution of sanitation offenders.
The KMA recently trained the Sanitation Crusaders for three days about what should be done to keep Kumasi clean and beautiful all the time.
They were trained in Environmental Protection and Standard Enforcement, Health Education, Food Hygiene and Operations of Waste Management.
Osei Assibey, in his address during the passing out ceremony of the Sanitation Crusaders, said the KMA will surely make Kumasi clean and beautiful again.
From October 16 to November 30, 2017, he said the Sanitation Crusaders would be touring the city and properly educate the public about sanitation issues.
Osei Assibey stated that from December 1, 2017, anybody that would flout the sanitation laws would either pay a spot fine or be dragged to court.
He urged the Sanitation Crusaders to work with seriousness so that Kumasi will be clean and attract tourists, which will lead to businesses booming.
Source: Kwadwo Essel/ thePublisher
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