Mr Austin Gamey, Chairman of Institute of Executive Studies (IES) has called for Human Resource (HR) practitioners to put in place performance management system in the organizations to link pay to productivity.
Money paid by organizations to their workers was not for charity and that there needed to be returns on investment.
Mr. Gamey was speaking at a conference on human resource management re-engineering on the topic, “Engaging your people to your organizations strategic vision and values,” organized by the IES.
“It is not true that increase pay leads to motivated workforce.
What we need is to ensure that the pay can be sustained. There are too many mushroom allowances in the country putting pressure on employers.
Let us pay people what they deserve through their productivity. HR must ensure that when people are employed they are made to work.”
He noted that customers were also important to the growth of organizations and implored them to put premium on customer care.
They should ensure that they were happy since they would patronize the products and services to generate the needed revenue.
“Delighted customers must become your advocates; you may not need advertisement again.”
He advised that they took strategic decisions that would enable companies – businesses to function more efficiently.
He criticized the situation where “some companies do not give due recognition to HR and only concentrate on finance”.
“The issue is not about finance. Rather it is about people management, people are at the heart of the growth of the organization, if work is carried out well, the money would flow.”
He urged the practitioners to develop effective communication approach to make sure that employees understood policies being introduced, especially with the collective agreement and warned that any misapplication of the labour law could trigger problems at the workplace.
Mr. Philip Gamey, the Chief Executive Officer, IES, said the seminar was part of a series of training programmes to adequately equipped HR Managers to perform.
“HR strategy must identify which job functions can be automated and those which cannot and should not be automated, which can be outsourced and which should not be outsourced in the view of enhancing performance.”
Source: GNA
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