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MCBROWN: I’m Not Bothered About Negativity

Screen goddess and television-personality, Nana Ama McBrown has stated emphatically that, she is not worried, bothered and does not care about public negativity and ill talks about her personality, marriage life and any other thing that concerns her.

She mentioned that, she strives to understand how to overcome the negativity thrown at her in the country adding that, she sometimes questions God on how she was created.

To her, she thinks God created her differently because what people say does not bother her as she continues to live happily.

“Sometimes I ask God how he created me. I think there is an engine in me. I’m not bothered about anything. What do I need in life? I wake up happy and prepare what I want for myself and my child and that is it.

“A kwadaso child who can boast of her own house in Kumasi and has her own car. I wake up happy all the time. What are we taking from this earth? Those who came before us have left so will we also leave when our time comes so enjoy life,” she said in a post shared via her snapchat.

She further wondered why people are aging but not necessarily growing and all focus on the bad news about others.

She noted in another post, “sadly people are ageing but not necessarily growing”.

The Onua ShowTime Presenter had been in the trends for various negative reasons including when she went through a stomach liposuction procedure to remove excess belly fat after she was unable to get rid of the unwanted fat through diet and exercise.

Responding to that few months ago, she indicated, “Yes I have done liposuction. I have worked on my body and I cannot tell lies about it. I am an adult hitting 45 this month and though do not owe anyone an explanation per say, because I respect my fans and admirers, I have to respond to the many questions. It has become a trending topic on whether or not I have done cosmetic surgery”.

McBrown explained further: “I did not like the sagging stomach. I told God I did not like it. I prayed about it, I consulted my husband about it and after some research on liposuction and further medical consultations, I went for it.  The type of work I do, appearances matter a lot and I have to be confident and happy about my body.

“I like the results and it makes me feel better about my own body. It is a procedure I can afford and once it is my body and I like it and I have not broken any of the laws of Ghana, I am happy.

“It is not something I would recommend or not recommend. It is about individual choices and preferences. Once you can afford it, and you are of age and you like it, that’s okay. It is a matter of choice. I did mine in a way that I can safely carry a baby in my stomach for the full nine months if I become pregnant again”, she noted.

Nana Ama McBrown however clarified that she has not done any breasts or buttocks enhancements and that her natural shape and curves became enhanced and more visible after the stomach liposuction.

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