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MUSEC Meets Today Over Killings

THE AHAFO Ano North Municipal Security Council (MUSEC) is set to attend a crunch meeting today (Monday), barring any last hitch.

The important meeting is, reportedly, being convened to address a looming security threat in the area, following the killing of two people on Friday.

The duo, Abdul Samed Razak, 35 and Hashmil Usman, 25, were shot dead by a security task force at a community mining site at Mfante near Tepa.

Razak and Usman, according to reports, were part of a group of young men, who were providing security at the site when they met their untimely deaths.

The security task force, allegedly, suddenly opened fire, killing the two men and injuring several others, when they arrived at the mining site on Friday.

Reports said the killing of the two young men has sparked extreme anger among the community members who see their deaths as unnecessary.

The youth in the town, especially those who are into mining, could retaliate by also attacking the security task force for killing their friends, unnecessarily.

This looming danger, which could have security implications in the municipality, is said to have called to the need for MUSEC to meet and strategize.

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