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Naa Torshie Fires Retail Campaign For Bawumia In Greater Accra

Irene Naa Torshie Addo-Lartey, Administrator of the District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) has taken it upon herself to personally embark on a grassroots-based retail campaign in the Greater Accra Region to market the New Patriotic Party (NPP) 2024 presidential candidate, Vice President Mahamadu Bawunia and to educate voters on how correctly use the ballot sheet.

She has embarked on a tour of key constituencies in the Region during which she directly talks to and interacts with registered voters to convince them on why Dr. Bawumia is the best choice to be voted for on December 7.

During the first phase of the tour, Naa Torshie spent time in six constituencies – Korle Klottey, Tema East, Ashaiman, Tema Central, Ledzokuku and La Dade Kotopon- where she did not only market the NPP candidate but she also took the registered voters through practical and interactive sessions on how to cast a vote on the ballot sheet in the correct way without spoiling the ballot.

She engaged with over 2,000 female voters per constituency.

Touching on religious tolerance, Naa Torshie reminded Ghanaians that the nation’s Constitution is for all citizens, not just Christians: “If you say you are a Christian and so you cannot vote for a Muslim to be president, then you are not practicing Christianity.”

Naa Torshie further indicated that Dr. Bawumia engages and relates so well with Christians and he will be a president for all without distinction.

To buttress her point, Naa Torshie stated  that even England, a Christian country that introduced Christianity to Ghana had a Prime Minister called Rishi Sunak who was a Hindu: “What matters most is a leader that has the interest of the people at heart and ready to serve and lead with integrity and make things happen for the people.”

Naa Torshie encouraged citizens to reject religious intolerance and embrace all leaders, regardless of their faith.

Using the example of a medical emergency, she pointed out that no one asks for blood from a specific religion when in need: “When you visit the hospital and you need blood, the blood you are given is not branded as a Christian  blood or a Muslim blood.”

She said divisions based on religion should not influence the choice of president in the coming elections.

At all the constituencies visited, the DACF Administrator urged voters to focus on electing a leader with the wisdom and courage to advance Ghana, citing the Free Senior High School (SHS) program as an example of bold leadership of the NPP government.

During her engagements at the constituencies,  Naa Torshie conveyed Dr. Bawumia’s promise to act as a ‘husband’ and a ‘son’ to widows and a ‘brother’ for orphans, vowing to take care of their needs when he becomes president.

She said, “to the widows, Dr. Bawumia says he will be your husband, and for those without children, he will be your son, and for those without brothers, he will be your brother. This is a covenant between him and you.”

Naa Torshie gave an assurance to widows and orphans of the support under the leadership of the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia when he becomes president. She added that widows would not cry for lack of support because “your husband Bawumia has ‘married’ all of you and would be there for you.”

She emphasized Dr. Bawumia’s integrity and good intentions for the people of Ghana especially the youth and urged voters to back all the NPP parliamentary candidates.

Naa Torshie reminded voters of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia corrupt-free and scandal-free track record and his readiness to lead the country to greater heights.

“We are bringing to you Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, someone that the Lord has set aside and preserved for Ghana. This is a person who has no scandal attached to his name. He has never been implicated in any corrupt practices, nor has he insulted anyone”, Naa Torshie noted.

She further reiterated that great strides had been made by the NPP government to strengthen the economy of Ghana post COVID and the country needs Dr. Bawumia with his astute leadership in economies and finance to continue.

On the elections, she encouraged voters to look for the number one spot on the ballot paper, as Dr. Bawumia secured that position during the parties balloting at the Electoral Commission. She said that “when you go to vote, don’t put your face down because if you do that you will miss your step and hurt yourself. Rather lookat the top of the ballot, find number one, and vote wisely.”

She also introduced the NPP parliamentary candidates at each constituency and edged the people to vote for them as well.

In ending her message at each constituency, she asked for prayers for Dr. Bawumia and his running mate, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh and all the NPP parliamentary candidates to be successful at the forthcoming elections. She thanked them for their warm reception, patience and audience.

It was a sight to behold as Hon. Naa Torshie and team were received with massive cheering and funfair despite the slight delays in arriving at some of the constituencies. The DACF Administrator electrified the venues with her gospel songs, bible quotations/stories such as how the slave Esther became queen, how the shepherd boy, how David became king, how Ruth from the Moabite clan became a land owner, how Joseph the prisoner became Prime Minister, how Cornelius met Simon Peter etc. Her messages were full of wisdom and hope. The crowds were so excited and energized that Hon. Naa Torshie had to be escorted out as many were eager and wanted to shake her hands.

The intended plan was to meet and engage 700 widows and 700 female church leaders and pastors from about 150 churches but she ended up engaging over 2,000 women per constituency.

The campaign tour in the indicated constituencies were largely successful.

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