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Nigel Gaisie: My Prophesy Is On SHERIFF BLACK, Not BLACK SHERIF

Prophet Nigel Gaisie, founder and leader of the Prophetic Hill Chapel, has dared anyone to prove with evidence where he ever prophesied or said  that Ghana’s popular musician, Black Sherif was about to suffer some form of evil between now and December this year.

Speaking exclusively on UTV’s United Showbiz last Saturday, Prophet Gaisie insisted that the prophesy he gave was on a certain Sheriff Black and that he had never mentioned Black Sherif the musician.

Host of the Show, MzGee, questioned the Prophet on who this “Sheriff Black” was but the popular man-of-God did not give any details though he insisted that on two different occasions, he saw through a prophetic vision, that the said Sheriff Black was in a form of trouble and the person’s mother, by name Meeri, was weeping over her son’s plight.

Coincidentally, Ghana’s sensation, the popular music icon, Black Sherif, had sand about his mom also called Meeri, in one of hit songs.

Double checks on the exact text Prophet Gaisie wrote proved on his Facebook proved that he had mentioned “Sheriff Black” but it was a section of the media that reported that the prophet had given a prophecy about Black Sherif the musician and accompanied all such media reports with a photograph of Black Sherif.

The prophecy made on the man of God’s official Facebook page read: “they will say, why didn’t you say it! Why did you say it? Whichever way, I will say it tho I am very aware some will come and abuse me tho, they novery well that I am a very trusted voice in the prophetic I have come to accept it and calls it occupational Hazards.

“Let the family of Sheriff Black….PRAY FOR HIM AND TALK TO HIM DEEPLY, I I DIDNT LIKE WHAT I SAW ABOUT HIM SOME FEW MINUTES AGO…..Life Is PRICELESS.I saw the mother crying uncontrollably. (if nothing is done about this, Ghana will not hear a good news may be before December)”.

Prophet Gaisie explained further on UTV that sometimes prophecies do come in  figurative ways and that, any wise person can make projection and deduction out of it.

“Prophetic revelations usually appear figuratively, it sometimes gives you the blurry picture of it but if you are wise, you will deduce the urgency from it and work towards it regardless of how direct the vision comes. Over the years when we come out as prophets to speak revelations, the same industry people slam and castigate us disrespectfully.

“Last year I made a revelation about Morocco’s disaster, I was insulted but here we are now seeing it for ourselves, the same revelation about the IGP and the rise against him, don’t we see it now? I also had a revelation about the Gabon coup and just at 24hrs it came to pass so when someone like me is making such revelations it is just wise for reasonable people to rise and fight against it.

“I don’t add nor subtract from my revelation, I say it as it is so if you are wise take it and work your salvation towards it. My prayer warriors and I are matching in prayers to seek grace and mercy but whoever this prophesy concerns should wake up and wear the armor of prayer. prophesy doesn’t come to scar but to alert so let’s be on guard and pray for life. I didn’t hear Black Sherif in the spiritual realm during the revelation to me, and not Black Sherif” he explained.

Fingers remain crossed on who Sheriff Black may be.

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