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Nightclubs Will Open 24 Hours Everyday – John Mahama

Former President, now turned aspiring president John Mahama has stated on official record that should Ghanaians make him president again, nightclubs in Ghana would operate for 24-hours, seven days of every week as a part of his ‘24-Hour Economy Policy’, a campaign promise that has left many with dropped jaws.

Nightclubs, as the name suggests,  are entertainment venues that are open from dusk until dawn and  have facilities such as a bar and disco or other entertainment so for the former President to promise that night clubs in Ghana would operate for 24 hours meaning morning, afternoon, evening and midnight has sparked a debate laced with disbelief and mockery.

But John Mahama himself, made the promise during the official campaign launch of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) manifesto held at Winneba over the weekend.

“Hospitality  industry;  our restaurants,  our discotheques, our night clubs, our hotels , 24/7, 24 hours a day”, were the exact words the former President used in explaining his the ‘24-Hour Economy Policy’ promised by the NDC would be implemented in the hospitality sector.

The explanation has been accepted with a general disbelief and sparked a discussion as to the practicality of how this can be implemented and whether it is indeed the expected “game changer” to the economy of Ghana.

Many have suggested that a former President under whose watch nightlife in Ghana came to a standstill because of erratic power supply nicknamed ‘dumsor’ can turn around to promise that nightclubs would run for 24 hours if he is made President again.

Others have also asked whether the said nightclubs would continue to have the name ‘nightclub’ or they would be renamed as ‘morning-clubs’, ‘afternoon-clubs’ or ’24-hour clubs’.

Many more have also said they had initially taken the ‘‘24-Hour Economy Policy’ with some seriousness until it was explained by no other person that the former President himself that it would include nightclubs.

These reactions underscore the deep skepticism surrounding the NDC’s 24-hour Economy proposal, especially the baffling emphasis on nightlife as a catalyst for economic growth.

Unless the NDC comes up with a more compelling explanation, Ghanaians are likely to dismiss this policy as nothing more than an ill-conceived gimmick. Besides, in a country as religious as Ghana, promoting endless parties as economic salvation seems wildly out of touch.

In any case, all hotels in Ghana operate 24 hours, so it is strange how President John Mahama would promise Ghanaians than if he becomes President again, he would make hotels start to operate for 24 hours every day of the week.

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