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O’Reilly Student Killed In School With Knife

A final-year student of O’Reilly Senior High School  in Accra, Edward Borketey Sackey, is reported to have been  stabbed to death by a fellow student named Godwin. The killed boy is writing his final exams and had just completed one of his papers when the argument started.

The two were said to be arguing over whose father was richer when the verbal argument turned into a misunderstanding and eventually Godwin grabbed a knife and stabbed Edward thrice in the chest, according to eye witness reports.

A video gone viral  captures some students of the school carrying their stabbed colleague and running with him around the school compound with him not sure what exactly to do.

The stabbed student was seen rolling in agony and trying to set himself loose from  his carriers. While some of the students were heard saying the stabbed boy  they were carrying should be sent to the school’s sick bay, others were heard saying they should rather look for a taxi and send him to a hospital.

The stabbed student was rushed to the LEKMA Hospital in Teshie by fellow students but was pronounced dead upon arrival.

The incident occurred on the school grounds on Monday, September 2, 2024 and as at Tuesday evening, no communication or information has been released from school authorities.

The suspect is reported to have been arrested on Tuesday to help in investigations.

According to his cousin, who claims to have witnessed the incident, the two students argued over trivial matters, escalating to a fatal altercation. Godwin, a Visual Arts student, stabbed Edward three times in the chest.

The cousin recounted the events leading up to the tragedy, saying, “He [Edward] had a paper in the morning and came to me that he was done with his paper…After a few minutes we heard some noise at the back and we asked what was wrong and they said it was Godwin and Edward fighting. I asked what’s the fight about and they said its nothing serious.

“The whole thing was about you what do you have? I have this and that, you’re lying. That was what brought the fight. So, I thought the whole thing is nothing.”

“Few minutes later, the Godwin guy came up to me and asked me to warn my brother or else his blood will flow and I told him it has not gotten to that,” she said.

According to her, Edward, the deceased ran to the teachers who were in school when the chaos started but they “did not do anything.”  Concerned for her cousin’s safety, the witness ran to inform their uncle, who had a shop outside the school, but she could not find him. By the time she returned, Godwin had already stabbed Edward.

The cousin claimed that even after the stabbing, the teachers remained indifferent to Edward’s condition. It took the assistance of a passerby to transport the critically injured student to the hospital.

She expressed frustration at the lack of support from the school staff, saying, “No teacher followed us. I went to the hospital alone, and his father came later. A passerby helped me get him to the hospital, but it was too late. When my uncle arrived, they told him Edward had passed away.”

Edward’s father is now demanding justice and answers from the school authorities. He expressed his anger and grief, accusing the school of negligence.

“The doctor said Edward has passed away. So when they showed me the body, he had been stabbed three times on his chest,” he said.

The family, clad in red and black mourning attire, picketed the school on Tuesday to express their outrage and demand accountability.

“We want answers from the school authority, the parents of the boy, and the police,” the grieving father said.

“What happened that led to my son being stabbed? We want justice, and we want the school authority to explain if the teachers were there and did nothing or if they simply didn’t care,” he expressed.

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