Prior to the commencement of debate on the 2018 budget statement presented to Parliament by the Finance Minister, Members of Parliament have ended a three-day post budget workshop at the Eastern regional capital of Koforidua.
The three-day intensive sensitization workshop brought together technocrats from the Ministry of Finance and other financial experts from academia, consultants from the private sector among others.
Participants were equipped with the intent behind government policies captured in the economic policy to enable them make cogent inputs during the Budget debate which starts tomorrow Tuesday, November 21, 2017, on the floor of the House.
The workshop was attended by Chairmen and Ranking Members of various Committees of Parliament that have oversight responsibilities of the Executive arm of government.
Some of the committees include the Government Assurance Committee, Finance Committee, the Gender Committee and 50 selected Members of Parliament.
Source: Christian Kpesese/ thePublisher
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