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Police Explain Arrests…

The Ghana Police Service has explained that the arrest of the 54 protestors was not because they decided to exercise their constitutional rights to take part in protests but because during the protests, they engaged in several acts of lawlessness.

A statement from the Public Affairs Directorate of the Ghana Police Service, explained that even before the protests started there was a disagreement on the venue and when the matter was sent to court, the courts ruled that Democracy Hub should not hold the protest at the said venue but the organizers flouted the court orders and went ahead to congregate at the same venue the courts had asked them to stay away from.

The statement, signed by Assistant Commissioner of Police, Grace Ansah-Akrofi, head of the Public Affairs Directorate noted in part:

  1. As the public may recall, the Police, on 9th July 2024, received a notice from the Democracy Hub, of their intention to hold a protest from 21st to 23rd September 2024, at the Revolutionary Square in front of the Jubilee House.
  2. On receipt of the notice from the group, the Police engaged the conveners and agreed with them on the chosen date of the demonstration but advised them to change their chosen venue, the Revolutionary Square, which was considered a security zone and likely to affect public defence, public order, public safety, public health and the running of essential services.
  3. However, the organizers refused to consider an alternative location and insisted on picketing at the Revolutionary Square. The Police were, therefore, compelled to take the matter to the court for a determination as to the venue. For purposes of emphasis, the Police were not in court to prevent them from demonstrating on the stated dates.
  4. The High Court, on 18th September 2024, granted an order to prohibit Democracy Hub from using the Revolutionary Square as the venue for their intended demonstration.
  5. The Police subsequently met with the organizers and urged them to accept seven venues proposed by the Police. Unfortunately, despite Police efforts to facilitate their constitutional right to demonstrate, the organizers remained adamant and insisted that they would disobey the order of the courts and picket at the Revolutionary Square in front of the Jubilee House.
  6. On 21st September 2024, the demonstrators unlawfully assembled at the 37 Intersection and engaged in the following acts, among others, which caused extreme inconvenience to the general public, particularly the motoring public.

* Blocking the intersection in all directions with vehicles, stones and logs, causing massive vehicular traffic across the City, * Setting fire in the Intersection, * Harassing and attacking road users including Military and Police officers, * Abusing Police and Military officers, * Banging on vehicles, * Playing football in the road and * Causing unlawful damage

  1. These unGhanaian, uncivil and unlawful acts of the demonstrators caused extreme inconvenience to commuters who were caught in traffic for several hours. Persons in need of medical care had difficulty reaching the medical facilities, and families visiting their loved ones who were on admission at the hospital had difficulty getting to them with essential supplies. Also, there were delays in people attending social and cultural activities such as funerals which define us as a people, and there was a negative impact on commercial activities including people missing their flights and others not being able to access their businesses.
  2. Following an assessment of the situation at the end of the first day, the Police cautioned the organizers that the Police would not allow them to demonstrate at the 37 Intersection. Instead, they should move to one of the seven locations suggested by the Police, where security would be provided.
  3. The demonstrators disregarded the caution by the Police and unlawfully assembled once again at the 37 Intersection the following day, and began to repeat their previous day actions.
  4. While the Police were professionally and persuasively engaging the demonstrators to leave the street and restore normal traffic flow, the demonstrators attacked the Police. One of them entered a Police vehicle, removed the ignition key, and fled with it, while others threw Police crash barriers at the Police officers, among others. The Police had no option but to arrest them….

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