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Reckless drug use cause of road accidents, says NRSA

The North East regional directorate of the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) has identified reckless overloading and drug use as significant factors contributing to road accidents in the region.

Patrick Osei Tutu, the regional director, revealed that from January to June this year, the region recorded 18 road-related crashes, resulting in 11 fatalities and 23 injuries. This represents a decrease compared to the same period last year, where there were 28 crashes, 75 injuries, and 18 deaths.

In an interview with Asaase News, Director Tutu specifically highlighted the dangerous behavior of motorbike riders, noting their substantial role in causing these accidents. The office’s ongoing efforts aim to address these issues and improve road safety in the region.

“The motorbike accident is highest among various type of vehicles. We have commercial vehicles, private vehicles and motor vehicles. With the motorbike, we are referring to the motor riders, ‘yellow-yellow riders’ [and] ‘motor kings’, [they] form the motorcycles. And they are the highest leading cause of accidents in the region,” he said.

“When you look at some of the issues that lead to some of these crashes, they overload the motorbike,” he added.

Patrick added that “Those who take drugs [while] riding are the ones who normally cause problems on our roads.”

Osei Tutu, therefore, urged road users in the region to be mindful and responsible when using the roads to prevent accidents.

“So we urge the motorists, the road users, pedestrians [and] everybody else to be mindful of, [when using] the road.

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