1. “Keep no secrets”
Secrets make your partner feel uneasy and suspicious of you. Be open and transparent.
2. “Don’t flirt with others”
Many flirt and argue it is not cheating as long as they don’t have sex with others. But flirting is the first level of cheating, why speak and write to others things you should only be saying to your partner? Your partner will think if you can flirt, may be you are or will do more unfaithful things.
3. “Say ‘I love you’ often”
Affirm your partner. Tell your partner of your love when you end a phone call, when you kiss, out of the blue, in the middle of a conversation. If you affirm your love less or you stay too long without saying it or your partner must ask you ‘Do you love me?’ for you to say it; your partner will become insecure.
4. “Know each other’s friends and family”
When you are known to each other’s close bonds it acts as security, that what you have is something serious and surrounded by the closest people in life. When your partner only spends time with you and feels hidden from your family and friends, he/ she will begin to feel like a secret love whose position in your life and heart is not cemented.
5. “Don’t compliment another person more than you compliment your partner”
It’s OK to give genuine compliments to people and appreciate others, but your partner should be the target of your lavish compliments. When you talk highly about others and praise them above your partner, your partner will feel little in your eyes.
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