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Secret videos & mallams pop up in plot to remove Dampare

The probe into the leaked tape containing voices of some senior police and civilians plotting the removal of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr. George Akuffo Dampare is beginning to take an interesting twist.

Whereas the Seven-Member Committee probing the subject matter was of the view there was a single leaked tape, it is emerging that there are some more secretly recorded tapes and even audiovisuals.

It has also come to light that the former New Patriotic Party (NPP) Chairman for the Northern Region, Daniel Bugri Naabu and the current Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr George Akuffo Dampare, have a mutually beneficial relationship from which Mr Naabu, who is also a businessman, has benefited from in terms of contracts from the Ghana Police Service.

Mr Naabu is alleged to have benefited from a contract to supply some 40, 000 pairs of boots to the service.

Though these allegations have not been backed by any form of evidence whatsoever, they were made public by Superintendent George Asare of the Ghana Police Service he appeared before the bi-partisan parliamentary Committee investigating an alleged plot to oust the IGP contained in a leaked tape.

While admitting to having taken part in the supposed alleged plot to remove the IGP, Superintendent Asare intimated that the friendly relationship between the IGP and Bugri Naabu is likely the reason why the IGP got Mr Naabu to secretly record the discussions he and others had with him regarding the supposed ousting of the IGP.

Superintendent Asare described Mr Naabu as an unrepentant liar who cannot be trusted, revealing that he has audio and video evidence to nail him when the time comes.

“He has lied on several occasions. I have Alhaji Bugri Naabu on tape, everything he came to say here, on video in his office. His relationship with IGP and contracts. The 40,000 boots contract he got from the Police Service],” he revealed.

He added that he has more damning evidence of the dealings of the IGP and Bugri Naabu that he intends to make available to the committee in-camera.

Asare also disclosed that Bugri Naabu further recommended the use of Mallams to aid their efforts in removing the IGP, both physically and spiritually.

The committee is tasked to investigate the authenticity or otherwise of the leaked tape and make appropriate recommendations.

Meanwhile, The Committee Chair, Samuel Atta Akyea revealed that the evidence being presented to the Committee by witnesses in their testimony has caused the need for the IGP to be invited.

The Committee Chairman had noted several times that some of the comments from the witnesses, especially Commissioner of Police, George Mensah makes it seem the IGP is being tried in absentia and it would be fair to give the accused a hearing.

Samuel Atta Akyea explained further that the presence of the IGP will prevent their findings from being seen as one-sided in view of some allegations leveled against him by some of the witnesses.

Speaking to Journalists after last week Friday’s hearing after being asked if the IGP would be invited he hinted: “It’s a likelihood, and it’s all to do with how the evidence is evolving. So it’s a likelihood because the facts we should place before Parliament should not be shoddy. It should not be one-sided, so it is a likelihood.

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