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Have Sex & Kids Before Marriage – Gospel Singer Broda Sammy

Celebrated Christian musician, Broda Sammy, has called on the Church to be truthful about the current realities of life and stop preaching the sermon of no sex before marriage among dating couples of fiancées.

Broda Sammy narrated an incident where, according to him,  a popular pastor in Ghana discovered during his honeymoon night he had married a hermaphrodite who had  a bigger penis than he, the man.

Speaking to Abeiku Santana on Okay FM, the award-winning gospel singer explained that forcing adults in courtship to abstain from sex completely before marriage has led to the collapse of many marriages as many married couples only found out after marriage that they are not sexually compatible.

Broda Sammy explained in Twi: “If we do not speak the truth, we would be misled in Christianity.  As for marriage, I won’t advice anyone to marry but I would advise people to give birth.  If after giving birth you want to marry that is fine but you must certainly give birth first and that is my advice I stand by and can defend.

“ Giving birth is better than getting married. Your wife can leave you, your  husband can leave you but as for your children even if some of them decide to leave you, there would be one or two who would stay with you in your old age or times of need “,  Broda Sammy stated.

He explained further: “So if you want  to know those who God has blessed beyond protocol, it is those who have one, two or three children before they got married.  When  I see people who have given birth but are not married and they are said because of that situation, I just laugh at them because they  are crying over nothing.  Today, even those who marry before they start to have sex,, once they marry,  many of them  cannot give birth, so if you have children before marriage, you are blessed. As I said, I won’t advice anyone to marry but I would advise them to go and give birth and have children then decide if they want to marry”.

The gospel musician, to back his argument, narrated a rather unusual  problematic incident he said he knows of and that he played a role in resolving that problem:

“Some pastors tell  the members having sex before marriage is not a sin. The bible is clear on such matters.  If you want for this sex before marriage, the marriages mostly do not last.

“I have a true life story about a senior pastor in this country that was practicing this marriage before sex. He had this beautiful  lady who is a powerful prayer worrier. They  fell in love and started to date but he never had sex with her. He consulted her parents and they got married.

“On  the honeymoon night at Kumasi Milken Hotel, the lady asked the man of God to put off the lights before they have sex. He quickly rushed to  put off the lights. She then asked him to put off the television  and he quickly obeyed. When they finally started foreplay, the pastor realized that something between the legs of  his wife was pricking him and the thing was becoming bigger and harder.

“The pastor could not stand it anymore, he got up from the bed and put on the light only to see that his new wife has both a penis and a vagina. He was shocked to see that th his wife’s penis was even bigger than his own penis. That was the end of the happiness in that marriage. Till date he can’t touch her again.  If he had sexed her before marriage, this situation would have been avoided”, Broda Sammy narrated.

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