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Starbow Suspends Operations After Crush

Domestic Airline Company, Starbow has suspended operations with immediate effect.

The suspension comes after one of its flights crashed into a fence wall at the Kotoka International Airport Saturday afternoon, in an attempt to take off.

The flight, which was set to take off to Kumasi, skidded off the runway in the direction of the nearby Air-force base, and crashed into the fence.

Five people were treated for minor injuries at the Airport hospital after the incident, according to Starbow.

Some sources who spoke to said the incident might have been caused by the bad weather on Saturday.

“I believe it was bad weather. It began to rain with strong winds just as the plane started to take off. So the pilot aborted and veered off the runway and ended up in a grassy field”, a government official aboard the plane told Starr News, adding nonetheless, “an official investigation will establish the cause though.”

In a statement, Starbow said it had suspended all its operations with immediate effect.

The Ghana Civil Aviation Authority has also begun investigations into the incident.

Source: Thepublisher

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