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Striking Anesthetists Appeal For Speedy Resolution Of Concerns

The Ghana Association of Certified Registered Anesthetists has called on the government and all other relevant stakeholders to find a solution to their problem as soon as possible in order to stop their impending strike.

The group laid down their tools on Friday, January 31, 2020 to, among other things, protest the refusal of the Medical and Dental Council to rescind its decision to change the group’s name to Physician Assistants.

Responding to a question on when they will call off the strike on Eyewitness News, the General Secretary of the group, Frederick Kpoha, said until they are called into a meeting for a solution to their grievances, the strike will stand.

“We are just pleading that the stakeholders will quickly call us to the table for discussions. We want changes to a lot of things and not just our names. We’ve been left behind for far too long.”

Soure: citinewsroom

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