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Swimmer Luana Alonso debunks Olympic removal claims

Luana Alonso, the Paraguayan swimmer known for her glamorous presence, has taken to social media to refute claims about her expulsion from the Athletes Village at the Olympics.

Alonso described the allegations as “lies” and clarified her situation on Instagram, stating, “I just wanted to clarify that I was never kicked out or expelled from anywhere, please stop spreading false information. I don’t want to make any statement but I’m not going to let lies affect me either.”

According to reports, Luana Alonso, was expelled from the Athletes Village at the Olympics.

Officials cited her behavior, including wearing revealing clothing and extensively socializing with other athletes, as creating an ‘inappropriate atmosphere.’

The 20-year-old blonde was observed wearing her own outfits rather than the official kit provided by the Paraguayan team. This decision was made following her elimination from her event on the first day of competition.

Her Olympic journey ended quickly, as she finished sixth in her 100m butterfly heat on the first day of competition. Despite her early elimination, Alonso continued to socialize with her fellow Paraguayan Olympians.

After leaving the Athletes Village, she reportedly checked into a hotel in Paris and opted to wear her own clothes instead of the official team outfits.

According to the email from the Olympics officials to Luana stated she was “distracting the other competitors with her skimpy choices and socialising.”

She was “distracting the other competitors with her skimpy choices and socializing.”

Larissa Schaerer, head of the Paraguayan Olympic Committee, had initially criticized Alonso’s behavior, stating, “Her presence is creating an inappropriate atmosphere within Team Paraguay.” Schaerer added, “We thank her for proceeding as instructed, as it was of her own free will that she did not spend the night in the Athletes’ Village.”

Alonso, who has now reportedly returned to the U.S. to continue her studies in political science, made a surprising retirement announcement following her disappointing result in Paris. She shared with her 651k followers, “It’s official now! I’m retiring from swimming, thank you all so much for the support! Sorry Paraguay. I only have to thank you! Swimming: thank you for allowing me to dream, you taught me to fight, to try, perseverance, sacrifice, discipline, and many more.”

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