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Unleashing Prosperity? Evaluating John Mahama’s vision for a 24-hour economy in Ghana

As Ghana stands on the precipice of economic transformation, the proposal for a 24-hour economy by former President John Mahama has emerged as a focal point for discourse, sparking conversations about its potential impact on the nation’s economic landscape. This forward-looking concept aims to redefine traditional work patterns, offering a dynamic approach to economic growth and societal development.

  • The Benefits

At the core of the 24-hour economy vision is the promise of economic growth through extended business hours. The proposal advocates for businesses to operate beyond traditional time constraints, aiming to tap into a broader customer base and potentially increase sales and revenue. By aligning with global trends, Ghana positions itself as a competitive player on the international stage, fostering an environment conducive to attracting foreign investments.

More so, a noteworthy aspect of the proposal is its emphasis on specific sectors, particularly hospitality and customer service, operating around the clock. This strategic focus aims not only to meet the demands of a constantly evolving consumer landscape but also to create new job opportunities, contributing to the alleviation of unemployment concerns and fostering overall economic stability. In the era of digital transformation, the seamless integration of technology becomes a pivotal component of the 24-hour economy. The proposal envisions leveraging technology to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce costs. This not only aligns with modern business practices but also positions Ghana as a technologically advanced and innovative economy, capable of navigating the complexities of the digital age.

  • Addressing Concerns and Challenges

However, promising the vision, a transformative proposal of this magnitude is not without its challenges. One primary concern centres around the well-being of the workforce. What does this imply? The extended working hours may potentially have implications for the health and work-life balance of employees. To address this, policies and practices must be carefully crafted, ensuring that the extended work hours do not compromise the overall well-being of the workforce.

Furthermore, infrastructure readiness is a critical factor for the success of a 24-hour economy. Continuous public transportation and heightened security are imperative to support extended work hours and ensure the safety and convenience of citizens. Assessing and enhancing infrastructure readiness becomes a priority in laying the groundwork for the proposed economic shift.

Better still, ensuring equitable opportunities and establishing a robust regulatory framework are paramount considerations. The benefits of a 24-hour economy must be distributed equitably across various sectors and socio-economic groups in other to avoid concentration in specific industries. A regulatory framework addressing labour rights, fair compensation, and protection for workers in an extended work environment becomes essential to safeguard the rights and well-being of the country’s workforce.

So, public acceptance is pivotal for the success of such a transformative policy. Effective communication strategies, geared towards addressing concerns and misconceptions, become indispensable in garnering support from the public. Also, transparency and inclusivity in communicating the potential benefits and challenges of a 24-hour economy will be instrumental in building public trust and cooperation.

Moreover, the successful implementation of a 24-hour economy will demand collaboration between the public and private sectors. Initiating pilot programs, sector-specific trials, and continuous monitoring and evaluation are proposed strategies. This approach allows for a controlled assessment of feasibility, sustainability, impacts, and necessary adjustments before a nationwide rollout.

  • Strategic Recommendations

To navigate the challenges and capitalize on the benefits, strategic recommendations emerge as imperative for the successful realization of a 24-hour economy:

Establishing a task force for comprehensive planning, involving experts from various sectors of the economy is a crucial first step. This task force would oversee the planning process, address infrastructural gaps, regulatory, and social considerations to create a comprehensive framework for the proposed economic shift.

Engaging key stakeholders, including businesses, labour unions, and the general public, in open and inclusive discussions becomes instrumental in gathering insights, addressing concerns, and building support for the policy. These discussions should be a collaborative effort, ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered in shaping the policy and its implementation.

Furthermore, implementing pilot programs in specific sectors or regions allows for a controlled assessment of feasibility and impacts before a full-scale rollout. This phased approach provides an opportunity to fine-tune the policy based on real-world feedback and experiences, enhancing its chances of success. Continuous monitoring and evaluation, with clear metrics and indicators, will be essential in tracking the policy’s impact on economic indicators, workforce well-being, and societal dynamics. An adaptive approach, incorporating feedback and making necessary adjustments, ensures that the policy remains responsive to changing circumstances and challenges.


As Ghana contemplates the transformative journey toward a 24-hour economy, it is crucial to weigh both the promises and challenges this vision brings. By fostering collaboration, embracing innovation, and addressing concerns with a strategic approach, Ghana has the opportunity to unlock new dimensions of prosperity. This proposed shift is not merely a policy; it’s a bold step towards a future where dynamism and progress converge, creating a resilient and vibrant economic landscape for generations to come.




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