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Ursula Expresses Gratitude To Sponsors Of Ms. Geek Ghana Competition

Minister for Communication and Digitalisation, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful has expressed gratitude and appreciation to sponsors of the 2024 Miss Geek Ghana competition.

Speaking at the grand finale which happened at the Accra City hotel last week, the Minister said, “I wish to acknowledge our benevolent sponsors for their support. Your dedication towards investing in the dreams of these young girls makes you our unsung heroes behind the Ms. Geek Ghana competition. Your commitment to this cause has made this event a success. I take this opportunity to express our gratitude and call for even more support to extend our reach as we continue to empower and uplift our girls across the country.”

She added, “Finally, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the sponsors, participants, judges, organizers, and everyone who has contributed to the success of this event. Your efforts are helping to shape a brighter and more inclusive future for all. Let us continue to support and inspire each other as we work towards a society where everyone, regardless of gender, can excel and make a difference. Let us build a future where gender is no barrier, technology knows no bounds, and every girl’s dream becomes a reality.”


A Level 300 student of the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Bottozah Bianah Bubune emerged as the 2024 Miss Geek winner.

The 21-year-old was crowned the overall winner after beating nine other competitors with an innovative project aimed at monitoring illegal mining activities in remote areas.

Her mobile application ensures real-time data transmission and addresses the issue of limited internet connectivity in the various regions while providing a robust solution to combat illegal mining and its environmental impact.

She received GH¢10,000, a plaque and a certificate of participation, and would be given an opportunity by the Ministry of Communication and Digitalisation to develop her project into a prototype and represent Ghana at the Miss Geek Africa Competition.

Miss Geek Africa is an international competition that started in Rwanda in 2014, and has expanded to other countries.

Girls between the ages of 13 and 21 are given opportunity to address issues facing their respective countries using technology, after which winners are selected to participate at the international level.

Miss Geek Ghana competition, which was launched on July 8, 2024, received 66 applications from young girls between the ages of 13 to 21 years across the country after which 10 students were finally selected to participate at the final event.

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