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Ursula Foundation Celebrates World Humanitarian Day With PWDs

Ursula Foundation led by Member of Parliament for Ablekuma West Constituency, Hon. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful on the evening of August 19, 2024 marked World Humanitarian Day by dedicating the day to people with disabilities which highlights the foundation’s belief in the value and potential of every individual, regardless of their physical or developmental challenges.

The event, which brought together a diverse group of attendees, including individuals with disabilities, their families, was designed to both celebrate the achievements of people with disabilities and address the challenges they face.

Under the theme “An Evening With Guardians And Persons With Special Needs”, Hon. Ursula extended heartfelt gratitude to the parents, grandparents, and caregivers who dedicate their lives to raising and nurturing children with disabilities.

Acknowledging the immense challenges faced by these families, she emphasized the importance of bringing these issues to light.

“To all the parents, grandparents, and everyone involved in raising and training these children: God bless you. On this World Humanitarian Day, I believe that the least we can do is to let others see the challenges you’re facing, as well as those faced by the children, and the help you need. We are here to assist you in bringing these issues to light, and today, we dedicate ourselves to raising awareness through the awareness creation advocacy program.

“I promise you all that we are committed to this cause. As you know, we have a special school here in Dansoman, and I have shown my support by donating to this school. We have helped build a new facility for them because the previous building was inadequate. We have brought attention to their situation and are nearing completion of our efforts. Additionally, we have hired a contractor to make the facility more disability friendly so that our disable children can also go to school.”

She continued, “I celebrate my birthday with them every year, and even before October, I want to do something special for the parents to show our appreciation for all they do for these children. If these children were neglected, we can’t imagine where they would be today – some might not even be alive. We understand that as caregivers, you endure a lot, and while it may not be much, we want to express our gratitude for your dedication to these children”.

In her closing remarks, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful underscored the importance of continued advocacy and support.

She added, “I recommend that you all create a support group to help each other and to network. We are open to meeting with you perhaps once a month to discuss your needs, share ideas on caring for your children, and learn from one another. This will help you realize that you are not alone in facing the challenges that come with raising children with disabilities.

“We the Ursula Foundation, will do our best to support you with the little we have. I know the assembly has funds available to assist those with disabilities. I’m not sure if all of you have applied, but those who have are already benefiting from it. We will also speak with the authorities to request that the daycare centers responsible for these children with disabilities extend their closing time to 2 or 3 p.m. instead of 12 noon, so that parents can have a bit more time to rest.”

For those who attended, it was a day of reflection, celebration, and above all, a reminder of the human spirit’s capacity for kindness and inclusivity.

About The Foundation

The Ursula Foundation is a community empowerment initiative that seeks to help individuals, businesses, and organisations in Ablekuma West and other parts of the country in any way possible. It will work to provide resources and support that can assist with any challenges and enhance opportunities. The hope of the foundation is to create a stronger and more self-sufficient community, one where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Its energies are channeled to helping people overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, in whatever they may be.

At Ursula Foundation, the believe in the power of community support. It strives to provide individuals, families, and communities with the resources and support they need to reach their full potential.

Through its innovative programs and initiatives, the foundation will work to break down barriers, foster collaboration, and create a more inclusive and empowering society.

Ursula Foundation is a committed initiative working together with local sporting clubs and individuals to promote healthy and active lifestyles through sports. The organization believes that every athlete deserves the right to proper training, equipment, and facilities, regardless of their background or financial status.

It would strive to make the sporting experience accessible and enjoyable for everyone, while contributing to the growth and development of the local community.

At Ursula Foundation, it aims to support and equip individuals with the necessary tools and knowledge to start and run successful enterprises. The training programs are designed to provide participants with the skills needed to be successful in their chosen field of business, while also fostering a supportive community of like-minded individuals. It believes that entrepreneurship is a powerful tool for building strong communities and creating meaningful change, and we are committed to helping individuals reach their full potential.

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